
Charity fund of Vyborg


Krivonosova Str., 15 (entrance from the courtyard)


8-81378 92-119

Название компании

Our achievements 

The entire Dickony Foundation team works for only one purpose - to make children happy. All fund employees are primarily mothers who love their children and Dickony children. All the activities that we carry out are aimed at creating favorable conditions for children and their parents.


Charity fund of Vyborg

8-81378 92-119

Our achievements

The entire Dickony Foundation team works for only one purpose - to make children happy. All fund employees are primarily mothers who love their children and Dickony children. All the activities that we carry out are aimed at creating favorable conditions for children and their parents.


Every year we hold our campout for children. This year there were 90 people. The camp has a rich program, which includes training, games, 5 meals a day, master classes and discussions with children.

In the camp, we try to answer the most difficult questions of children and create a safe and comfortable space for them where they can spend their time.

Camp funding is provided through voluntary donations and the camp is free for children and their families. Indeed, the vast majority of our wards are not able to pay for the stay of the child in the camp.


Every year we hold our campout for children. This year there were 90 people. The camp has a rich program, which includes training, games, 5 meals a day, master classes and discussions with children.

In the camp, we try to answer the most difficult questions of children and create a safe and comfortable space for them where they can spend their time.

Camp funding is provided through voluntary donations and the camp is free for children and their families. Indeed, the vast majority of our wards are not able to pay for the stay of the child in the camp.


Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, we hold an event called "Holiday for every child." We carefully collect applications for participation and among the applications we select those whom we invite. And we invite only those children who, for various reasons, remain without a holiday. Most often these are children from large and low-income families. Their parents simply do not have the opportunity to pay for other holidays.

On our own, we collect gifts for children and invite animators. Every year, more and more children participate in our holiday. And we hope that one day every child will be able to participate in the celebration.


Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, we hold an event called "Holiday for every child." We carefully collect applications for participation and among the applications we select those whom we invite. And we invite only those children who, for various reasons, remain without a holiday. Most often these are children from large and low-income families. Their parents simply do not have the opportunity to pay for other holidays.

On our own, we collect gifts for children and invite animators. Every year, more and more children participate in our holiday. And we hope that one day every child will be able to participate in the celebration.


This year we opened a free gym for teenagers and youth who do not have the opportunity to pay for training. At the moment, this is the only available free gym in the city. We are glad when it is filled with youth.


This year we opened a free gym for teenagers and youth who do not have the opportunity to pay for training. At the moment, this is the only available free gym in the city. We are glad when it is filled with youth.


Currently, the Fund directly contains 30 children. We help about 150 families remotely, with food, clothing, hygiene products, and consultations with psychologists and lawyers.

In 2018, we released five children, they all study in secondary and higher educational institutions, work part-time and plan their own lives.

Over the past 7 years, the children of Dickony have not had a single offense.

We raised the judo winners of Russia, the judo champions of the region, the champion of the chess school and just good people with a solid lifestyle.


Currently, the Fund directly contains 30 children. We help about 150 families remotely, with food, clothing, hygiene products, and consultations with psychologists and lawyers.

In 2018, we released five children, they all study in secondary and higher educational institutions, work part-time and plan their own lives.

Over the past 7 years, the children of Dickony have not had a single offense.

We raised the judo winners of Russia, the judo champions of the region, the champion of the chess school and just good people with a solid lifestyle.

While helping, we are not getting holier, but normal.

You are welcome to help us

Make a donation using PayPal.

While helping, we are not getting holier, but normal.  

You are welcome to help us

While helping, we are not getting holier, but normal.

You are welcome to help us

Make a donation using PayPal

While helping, we are not getting holier, but normal.  

You are welcome to help us


Charity fund of Vyborg


Krivonosova Str., 15 (entrance from the courtyard)

+7  81378 92-119