Vyborg’s Charity Fund
Krivonosova Str., 15 (entrance from the courtyard)
8-81378 92-119
Название компании
Greetings to you, dear friends of Dickony! So this beautiful second half of the year is over and we are happy to talk about the most interesting and significant events.
Vyborg’s Charity Fund
8-81378 92-119
Greetings to you, dear friends of Dickony! So this beautiful second half of the year is over and we are happy to talk about the most interesting and significant events.
After the camp, in July, our volunteers went to help out in an integrative camp. This is the camp where healthy teens and teens with severe, incurable diseases take their part.It is not the first year our teens go to participate in this camp and each time it pleases us more and more. After all, participation in such camps allows our children to develop as personalities deeper and deeper.
It was warm enough and we often went swimming with children in the lake, where we fried sausages and just had a good time. Besides in August, hair stylists from another city came to see children and were making different haircuts for them for many hours, showed different options of hairstyles and just created beauty. All our children (as well as educators =)) were ready to go to school with their new beautiful hairstyles.
In August,of course, we began active preparation for school. It's hard enough to get kids ready for school after such an eventful summer, but we managed it.
This year we had a first-grader, Damir, who had been preparing for school for a long time and with a delight on his face went to the school line on September, 2. Well, educators escorted him, quietly wiping away tears, because Damir had already been with us for 4 years and we were not ready to realise he was growing up.
For now, Damir is studying well and with pleasure.
Our October could be called the month of crafts and treats.
We decided to teach our children crafts made of plastic. It worked out just great.
Children's fantasy is much richer and more unlimited than adults’ one. The staff were surprised and admired how children could create a whole world out of just a small piece of plastic.
Weekends in October were dedicated to teaching children how to cook dumplings and to bake all sorts of different buns. Children were happy to knead the dough, sculpt buns from it.
They made dumplings very carefully so that they would not break up, and then with great joy they ate it all together at the table. But the most beautiful thing was that they cooked buns not only for themselves, but also for those educators and employees who did not work that day. And when educators came to work, wide and sincere children's smiles and baked buns were waiting for them.
Also in October, our child Sasha went to the Russian State Judo competition and won third place there. Sasha was persistently training, she was working really hard, and this third place was absolutely deserved!
November was a significant month for us. As you know every child here for us is Personality. And we really love each of them. But November brought us such news which made us really frustrated and upset. Price for food and maintenance of the rooms sharply increased. And we were drastically short on money. Of course, we couldn’t feed the children less than they want or reduce heating costs. But apparently we didn’t have opportunities to buy gifts for children on their birthdays anymore. And our children, as well as any loved children at home, hope that their dreams will come true on their birthdays. And then we came up with an idea to raise money via social networks, from ordinary people,who were willing to help our children to make their dreams come true on their birthdays. Fortunately, we even found a person who fulfilled Anton’s dream - and gave him a guitar for his birthday!
Our December was «hot». We were preparing for our traditional event - “a holiday for every child”. It is an event, where we invite children from large and low-income families and cook for them, entertaining them by animators and with gifts.This year some woman turned to us and said she wanted to buy gifts for all 90 children. She told us she was ready to order these gifts on her own and bring them to Dickony. But a week before the holiday, we realized she had deceived us, and there would be no gifts. We had only one week left, 104 children, expecting New Year and they could all be left without gifts. Almost all week we had to work and think 24/7 what we could do in this situation with gifts to work it out and find any opportunity to collect those gifts from different people. God is kind to Dickony, we made it in time and the holiday turned out to be just wonderful.
Public offer to conclude a donation agreement
Children Charity Fund in Vyborg “Dickony” (the director - Shutova Viktoria Andreevna) invites citizens to make a donation under the following conditions:
1. General provisions
1.1. In accordance with clause 2 of article 437 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, this offer is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the offer).
1.2. This Offer uses terms that have the following meaning:
"Donation" - "giving away a thing or the right for generally useful purposes”;
"Donator" - " citizens who make donations”;
"The recipient of the donation" - Children Charity Fund in Vyborg “Dickony".
1.3. The offer is valid indefinitely from the moment it is published on the website of the Recipient of the donation.
1.4. The recipient of the donation has the right to cancel the Offer at any time by deleting it from the page of their website on the Internet.
1.5. The invalidity of one or more conditions of this agreement shall not entail the invalidity of all other terms of the Offer.
2. Essential terms of the donation agreement:
2.1. The Donation is used for the maintenance and conduct of the authorized activities of the Recipient of the donation.
2.2. The amount of the donation is determined by the Donor.
3. The order of conclusion of the contract of donation:
3.1. In accordance with clause 3 of article 434 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the donation agreement is concluded in writing by accepting the Offer by the Donor.
3.2. The offer can be accepted by transferring money to the Recipient of the donation by a payment order using the bank details specified in section 5 of the Offer, indicating in the line "purpose of payment": "donation for the maintenance and conduct of statutory activities", as well as using plastic cards, electronic payment systems and other means and systems that allow the Donor to transfer money to the Recipient of the donation.
3.3. Committing any of the acts specified in clause 3.2. of the offer by a Donor, accepts the Offer in accordance with paragraph 3 article 438 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
3.4. The date of acceptance of the Offer – the date of conclusion of the donation agreement is the date of receipt of the donation in cash from the Donor to the current account of the Recipient of the donation.
3.5. The Donator can disable Autopayment (recurring payment) at any time by clicking the link
or by contacting the Recipient of the donation (phone number and email listed on the site fond-dikoni.ru.
4. Final provisions:
4.1. By performing the actions provided for in this Offer, the Donator confirms that he is familiar with the terms of the Offer, the goals of the Recipient's activities, understands the significance of his actions and has the full right to perform them, fully and unconditionally accepts the terms of this Offer.
4.2. This offer is governed by and interpreted in accordance with applicable Russian law.
5. Signature and bank details of the Recipient of the donation
Children Charity Fund in Vyborg "Dickony
Primary State Registration Number: 1034700875208
Taxpayer Identification Number: 4704039393 / 470401001
Address of the location: post index 188800, Leningrad Region, Vyborg, Krivonosova Street, house number 15
Bank details:
Current account 40703810355390000194
Name of the Bank
BIC Bank 044030653
Director: Shutova Viktoria Andreevna
Consent to the processing of personal data
The user by submitting a request, subscribing, commenting, requesting feedback, registering or performing other actions related to giving their personal data on the website https://fond-dikoni.ru/
, accepts this Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent), posted at https://fond-dikoni.ru/.
Acceptance of Consent is a confirmation of the User's agreement with all points of Consent. The user gives their consent to the organization Children Charity Fund "Dickony" in Vyborg, which owns the site https://fond-dikoni.ru/ to process your personal data with the following conditions:
The user agrees to the processing of their personal data, both without the use of automation tools, and with their use.
Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data (not special or biometric):
• last name, first name, patronymic;
• email address(es);
• other data provided by the User.
The user's personal data is not publicly available.
1. The purpose of personal data processing is to provide full access to the site's functionality https://fond-dikoni.ru/
2. The Basis for collecting, processing and storing personal data is:
* Art. 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
• Art. 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 18-22 of the Federal law № 152 in force since 27.07.06 "on personal data";
* Art. 18 of the Federal law № 38 in force since 13.03.06 "on advertising»;
• Articles of the organization "CHILDREN CHARITY FUND “DICKONY;
• Personal data processing policy.
3.During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.
4. The transfer of personal data hidden for General viewing to third parties is not carried out, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The User confirms that the personal data specified by them belongs to him personally.
6. Personal data is stored and processed until the liquidation of the organization Children Charity Fund "Dickony" in Vyborg. Personal data is stored in accordance with the Federal law № 125 "on archival activity in the Russian Federation" and other regulatory legal acts in the field of archival activity and archival storage.
7. The User agrees to receive informational messages from the site https://fond-dikoni.ru/.
Personal data is processed until the User unsubscribes from receiving information messages.
8. Consent may be revoked by the User or his legal representative by sending the revocation of consent to the email address-dikon.fond@gmail.com marked "Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data". If the User withdraws consent to the processing of personal data, the Children Charity Fund "Dickony" in Vyborg has the right to continue processing personal data without the User's consent if there are grounds specified in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10 and part 2 of article 11 of Federal law № 152 “on personal data " in force since 27.07.2006. Deleting personal data means that you cannot access the full version of the site's functionality https://fond-dikoni.ru/.
9. This Consent is perpetual, and is valid all the time until the termination of processing of personal data specified in clauses 7 and 8 of this Consent.
10. Location of the organization CHILDREN CHARITY FUND “DICKONY” in accordance with the constituent documents:
188800, Leningrad region, Vyborg, Krivonosova str., 15
Bank details of the Dickony Charity Fund
Children Charity Fund in Vyborg "Dickony
Primary State Registration Number: 1034700875208
Taxpayer Identification Number: 4704039393 / 470401001
Address of the location: post index 188800, Leningrad Region, Vyborg, Krivonosova Street, house number 15
Bank details:
Current account 40703810355390000194
Name of the Bank
BIC Bank 044030653
Director: Shutova Viktoria Andreevna
Make a donation using PayPal.
After the camp, in July, our volunteers went to help out in an integrative camp. This is the camp where healthy teens and teens with severe, incurable diseases take their part.It is not the first year our teens go to participate in this camp and each time it pleases us more and more. After all, participation in such camps allows our children to develop as personalities deeper and deeper.
It was warm enough and we often went swimming with children in the lake, where we fried sausages and just had a good time. Besides in August, hair stylists from another city came to see children and were making different haircuts for them for many hours, showed different options of hairstyles and just created beauty. All our children (as well as educators =)) were ready to go to school with their new beautiful hairstyles.
In August,of course, we began active preparation for school. It's hard enough to get kids ready for school after such an eventful summer, but we managed it.
This year we had a first-grader, Damir, who had been preparing for school for a long time and with a delight on his face went to the school line on September, 2. Well, educators escorted him, quietly wiping away tears, because Damir had already been with us for 4 years and we were not ready to realise he was growing up.
For now, Damir is studying well and with pleasure.
Our October could be called the month of crafts and treats.
We decided to teach our children crafts made of plastic. It worked out just great.
Children's fantasy is much richer and more unlimited than adults’ one. The staff were surprised and admired how children could create a whole world out of just a small piece of plastic.
Weekends in October were dedicated to teaching children how to cook dumplings and to bake all sorts of different buns. Children were happy to knead the dough, sculpt buns from it.They made dumplings very carefully so that they would not break up, and then with great joy they ate it all together at the table. But the most beautiful thing was that they cooked buns not only for themselves, but also for those educators and employees who did not work that day. And when educators came to work, wide and sincere children's smiles and baked buns were waiting for them.
Also in October, our child Sasha went to the Russian State Judo competition and won third place there. Sasha was persistently training, she was working really hard, and this third place was absolutely deserved!
November was a significant month for us. As you know every child here for us is Personality. And we really love each of them. But November brought us such news which made us really frustrated and upset. Price for food and maintenance of the rooms sharply increased. And we were drastically short on money. Of course, we couldn’t feed the children less than they want or reduce heating costs.
But apparently we didn’t have opportunities to buy gifts for children on their birthdays anymore. And our children, as well as any loved children at home, hope that their dreams will come true on their birthdays. And then we came up with an idea to raise money via social networks, from ordinary people,who were willing to help our children to make their dreams come true on their birthdays. Fortunately, we even found a person who fulfilled Anton’s dream - and gave him a guitar for his birthday!
Our December was «hot». We were preparing for our traditional event - “a holiday for every child”. It is an event, where we invite children from large and low-income families and cook for them, entertaining them by animators and with gifts.This year some woman turned to us and said she wanted to buy gifts for all 90 children. She told us she was ready to order these gifts on her own and bring them to Dickony. But a week before the holiday, we realized she had deceived us, and there would be no gifts.
We had only one week left, 104 children, expecting New Year and they could all be left without gifts. Almost all week we had to work and think 24/7 what we could do in this situation with gifts to work it out and find any opportunity to collect those gifts from different people. God is kind to Dickony, we made it in time and the holiday turned out to be just wonderful.
Public offer to conclude a donation agreement
Children Charity Fund in Vyborg “Dickony” (the director - Shutova Viktoria Andreevna) invites citizens to make a donation under the following conditions:
1. General provisions
1.1. In accordance with clause 2 of article 437 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, this offer is a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the offer).
1.2. This Offer uses terms that have the following meaning:
"Donation" - "giving away a thing or the right for generally useful purposes”;
"Donator" - " citizens who make donations”;
"The recipient of the donation" - Children Charity Fund in Vyborg “Dickony".
1.3. The offer is valid indefinitely from the moment it is published on the website of the Recipient of the donation.
1.4. The recipient of the donation has the right to cancel the Offer at any time by deleting it from the page of their website on the Internet.
1.5. The invalidity of one or more conditions of this agreement shall not entail the invalidity of all other terms of the Offer.
2. Essential terms of the donation agreement:
2.1. The Donation is used for the maintenance and conduct of the authorized activities of the Recipient of the donation.
2.2. The amount of the donation is determined by the Donor.
3. The order of conclusion of the contract of donation:
3.1. In accordance with clause 3 of article 434 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation, the donation agreement is concluded in writing by accepting the Offer by the Donor.
3.2. The offer can be accepted by transferring money to the Recipient of the donation by a payment order using the bank details specified in section 5 of the Offer, indicating in the line "purpose of payment": "donation for the maintenance and conduct of statutory activities", as well as using plastic cards, electronic payment systems and other means and systems that allow the Donor to transfer money to the Recipient of the donation.
3.3. Committing any of the acts specified in clause 3.2. of the offer by a Donor, accepts the Offer in accordance with paragraph 3 article 438 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.
3.4. The date of acceptance of the Offer – the date of conclusion of the donation agreement is the date of receipt of the donation in cash from the Donor to the current account of the Recipient of the donation.
3.5. The Donator can disable Autopayment (recurring payment) at any time by clicking the link
or by contacting the Recipient of the donation (phone number and email listed on the site fond-dikoni.ru.
4. Final provisions:
4.1. By performing the actions provided for in this Offer, the Donator confirms that he is familiar with the terms of the Offer, the goals of the Recipient's activities, understands the significance of his actions and has the full right to perform them, fully and unconditionally accepts the terms of this Offer.
4.2. This offer is governed by and interpreted in accordance with applicable Russian law.
5. Signature and bank details of the Recipient of the donation
Children Charity Fund in Vyborg "Dickony
Primary State Registration Number: 1034700875208
Taxpayer Identification Number: 4704039393 / 470401001
Address of the location: post index 188800, Leningrad Region, Vyborg, Krivonosova Street, house number 15
Bank details:
Current account 40703810355390000194
Name of the Bank
BIC Bank 044030653
Director: Shutova Viktoria Andreevna
Consent to the processing of personal data
The user by submitting a request, subscribing, commenting, requesting feedback, registering or performing other actions related to giving their personal data on the website https://fond-dikoni.ru/
, accepts this Consent to the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Consent), posted at https://fond-dikoni.ru/.
Acceptance of Consent is a confirmation of the User's agreement with all points of Consent. The user gives their consent to the organization Children Charity Fund "Dickony" in Vyborg, which owns the site https://fond-dikoni.ru/ to process your personal data with the following conditions:
The user agrees to the processing of their personal data, both without the use of automation tools, and with their use.
Consent is given to the processing of the following personal data (not special or biometric):
• last name, first name, patronymic;
• email address(es);
• other data provided by the User.
The user's personal data is not publicly available.
1. The purpose of personal data processing is to provide full access to the site's functionality https://fond-dikoni.ru/
2. The Basis for collecting, processing and storing personal data is:
* Art. 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
• Art. 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 18-22 of the Federal law № 152 in force since 27.07.06 "on personal data";
* Art. 18 of the Federal law № 38 in force since 13.03.06 "on advertising»;
• Articles of the organization "CHILDREN CHARITY FUND “DICKONY;
• Personal data processing policy.
3.During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.
4. The transfer of personal data hidden for General viewing to third parties is not carried out, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The User confirms that the personal data specified by them belongs to him personally.
6. Personal data is stored and processed until the liquidation of the organization Children Charity Fund "Dickony" in Vyborg. Personal data is stored in accordance with the Federal law № 125 "on archival activity in the Russian Federation" and other regulatory legal acts in the field of archival activity and archival storage.
7. The User agrees to receive informational messages from the site https://fond-dikoni.ru/.
Personal data is processed until the User unsubscribes from receiving information messages.
8. Consent may be revoked by the User or his legal representative by sending the revocation of consent to the email address-dikon.fond@gmail.com marked "Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data". If the User withdraws consent to the processing of personal data, the Children Charity Fund "Dickony" in Vyborg has the right to continue processing personal data without the User's consent if there are grounds specified in paragraphs 2-11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10 and part 2 of article 11 of Federal law № 152 “on personal data " in force since 27.07.2006. Deleting personal data means that you cannot access the full version of the site's functionality https://fond-dikoni.ru/.
9. This Consent is perpetual, and is valid all the time until the termination of processing of personal data specified in clauses 7 and 8 of this Consent.
10. Location of the organization CHILDREN CHARITY FUND “DICKONY” in accordance with the constituent documents:
188800, Leningrad region, Vyborg, Krivonosova str., 15
Bank details of the Dickony Charity Fund
Children Charity Fund in Vyborg "Dickony
Primary State Registration Number: 1034700875208
Taxpayer Identification Number: 4704039393 / 470401001
Address of the location: post index 188800, Leningrad Region, Vyborg, Krivonosova Street, house number 15
Bank details:
Current account 40703810355390000194
Name of the Bank
BIC Bank 044030653
Director: Shutova Viktoria Andreevna
Make a donation using PayPal
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