8 (813) 789-21-19

8 (904) 554-45-93

Charity fund of Vyborg


Krivonosova Str., 15 (entrance from the courtyard)


Children's shop

By shopping in our store, you help children.

Our birthday people

Andrey turned

14 years old

He really wants cool sneakers.

3000 руб

Christine turns

11 years

She wants a box of sweets, and also a scooter.

4000 руб

Amina is performing

11 years

Like Christina, she wants a box of sweets and a scooter.

4 000 руб.

Mohamed is performing

6 years

He dreams of a big spider 🕷 Can you imagine? And, of course, about the scooter

2000 руб.

Максиму исполняется 

15 лет

Он мечтает о собственном телефоне

10000 руб

Графу исполняется

 12 лет

Он мечтает о трюковом самокате

4000 руб

маше исполняется

 17 лет

Она мечтает о собственном телефоне

10 000 руб.

подарите детям один день в лагере

476 руб.

Other amount

Food basket

1 300  rubles

Gift sneakers

1 500  rubles

Present an educational toy

500 rubles

Give a toy

300 rubles

Pay for lunch for your child

167 rubles

Accommodation for one child 

in Dikoni for 1 day

300 rubles

give a child a book

500 rubles

Make a sweet gift

1000 rubles

personal hygiene products

We constantly need childcare products.


Buy diapers

500 rubles

Buy washing powder

400 rubles

Buy toothpaste

200 rubles

Buy shampoo

300 rubles


Выборгский благотворительный фонд


Кривоносова, 15 (вход со двора)

+7-81378 92-119